P.R. Mallory & Co. 50 Series Schematic

P.R. Mallory & Co. 50 Series

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Product Information:
Model:50 Series
Manufacturer:P.R. Mallory & Co. (Elkon)

Schematic Pages

PNG: Page 1 Rider Manual Volume 5

Schematics Content

Page 1:

The 50 Series Mallory Elkonode is a single-reed full wave inverter for use in supplying alternating-current voltage which in turn is rectified by a tube rectifier for supplying the high direct-current voltage needed for radio receiver plate supply.
This Elkonode is used in three standard types, Nos. 50, 51, and 53, and in certain modified forms for special requirements. For 12 - volt operation, the type number is prefixed with the letter "G" to designate the change in construction. Likewise, for 32 - volt operation, the letter "F" is used. The mechanical construction for all types is the same except for a change in the driver-coil windings for the 12 - volt and again for the 32 - volt types. The types 50 and 51 Elkonodes are adjusted and intended to carry output loads up to 11 watts. The type 53 Elkonode is designed for loads from 11 to is These types have an advantage over earlier types in not being limited to a narrow range of load conditions. Ratings are given, in every case, for operating battery voltages of
6.6, 13.2, and 33 volts, for the 50, G - 50, and F - 50 Series, respectively.
The following reproduction pictures the Mallory Type 50 Series Elkonode in a top view, with covers removed.

1. Magnet coil pole shoe
2. Reed armature
3. Stack clamping screw
4. Connector plate
5. Insulating bushing
6. Reed foil

Instructions For Adjusting Contact Springs When Such Springs Do Not Require Replacement
As with automobile ignition contacts, the tungsten contact points in Elkonodes will show some evidence of wear after they have been in service for a long period of time. This wear progresses gradually, and as long as the Elkonode is capable of operation, any amount of wear at the contact points will have no influence what ever on the performance of the radio set or on the voltage supplied to the tubes. However, after a long period of service the Elkonode may refuse to start, and when this point is reached it should be taken as indicative of excessively worn contact points. The Elkonode has been designed with a generous reserve of tungsten in its contact points, and this reserve may be utilized to give the Elkonode extended life, providing one simple adjustment is made. This adjustment is outlined as follows:

1. Remove the Vibrator unit from the can and rubber sock, by following closely the directions covered by paragraphs A, B, C and D in the procedure for dismantling Elkonode. Use care to avoid bending wires at the soldered connections.

2. Place the Elkonode on a piece of white paper, so that when viewed from above it appears exactly as in drawing above.

3. Loosen lock nut (A2) and turn screw (B2) clockwise until
, 005 " of light can be seen between contacts (F) and (E). If the contact points are roughened, the light can not be seen across their entire diameter, even though they are correctly spaced (i. e., within. 005 " of touching each other).

4. A check on the accuracy of the spacing adjustment is obtained by pressing lightly against the center of the reed with a small pointed metal instrument in the direction and location shown by arrow (K). When the reed is thus moved, so as to just close contacts F and E, the weight (2) on the free end of the reed should move 1/64 inch from its " at rest " position. Check should be made after lock nut has been firmly tightened down.

5. DO NOT readjust spacing between contacts Gand H, unless the tungsten is nearly all worn away. In this case, readjustment is obtained in exactly the same manner as for contacts F and E.

6. In reinserting the Elkonode into its rubber sock, be very careful to turn the "Hats" of the sock hole so that they are in line with the lock-nuts. This provides ample space in the sock for the free movement of the reed. In reinserting the "socked" Elkonode into the can, be sure that the can seam lines up with the wider of the wire-carrying channels on the outside of the sock. This is important.

CAUTION: Inasmuch as the Elkonode mechanism is partially magnetic, extreme care should be observed while making adjustments to prevent iron filings or similar metallic matter from-getting into the Elkonode.