Browning Drake 69 Schematic

Browning Drake 69

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Product Information:
Manufacturer:Browning Drake

Schematic Pages

PNG: Page 1 Rider Manual Volume 1

Schematics Content

Page 1:

1. 400 ohms; 2.600 ohms; 3.50000 ohms; 4.3000 ohms; 5..5 megohm, 6.1 megohms 7.45000 ohms; 8.20000 ohms; 9.225 megohm, 10,60000 ohms; 11.90 ohms: 12 and 13.25 megohm, 14.2 megohms 15.2000 ohms: 16.2000 ohms; 17 and 18.25 megohms; 19.30 ohms. 20,10000 ohms; 21.1 megohm 101.1 and 101.2 and 102.1 and 102.2 are.5 md. each. 103 is.1 mld. 104.1 and 104.2 and 104.3 and 104.4 and 104.5 ere.2 md., 104.6 18.5 mfde; 105.02 mld., 106,00025 mfd.; 107.00025 md.; 108 and 109 are 8 md. and 110 is 01 mrd.