Synth & Eurorack Parts / DIY

Our Synth & Eurorack Parts / DIY category is a curated list of items that are commonly found in synth/eurorack projects. The items and filters here do not represent our full lineup of parts. If you don't see what you are looking for, check out our main categories or send us a suggestion and we'll look into adding it.
S-TBWRENCH Wrench - Befaco, Bananut Driver
Custom wrench tool for Bananuts. The two pegs slot into the notches on the Bananuts for an easy installation. Note: This wrench is only compatible with Befaco Bananuts
S-TDUST Brush - Befaco, Gear Duster
Gear duster from Befaco. The Befaco Synth Duster is a great tool for getting dust off of faceplates and other hard to reach spots on your equipment. The super soft bristles can gently clean around pots, jacks, and other hardware.
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